October 09, 2011

Setting up EC2 Command Line Tools (API Tools)

Download the latest version of EC2 API from AWS website and unzip. All APIs are under the bin. Setting up the $EC_HOME It's better to add this directory to your $PATH. Here is how:
export EC2_HOME=/Users/yasemin/My-Apps/ec2-api-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
Next is setting up the credentials for the aws account. Create & download a private key and the corresponding certificate from the account's "security credentials" page and link these files to EC2 CLI. Here is how:
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=/Users/yasemin/My-Apps/ec2-api-tools/credentilas/pk-HKZYKTAIG2ECMXYIBH3HXV4ZBZQ55CLO.pem 
export EC2_CERT=/Users/yasemin/My-Apps/ec2-api-tools/credentilas/cert-HKZYKTAIG2ECMXYIBH3HXV4ZBZQ55CLO.pem  
This is all - you should be good to go!
- If the export commands are appended to ~/.bashrc file, then they will be executed automatically with every new bash session - which is nice to have.
- For detailed setup instruction, please see the official docs. - Make sure $JAVA_HOME is also set. Use '$ which java' to figure out the current path.